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count(*) to get the row number, or count(col) to get the number of rows when col is not NULL


count_distinct(col) to get the number of unique values for the col column. Same as count(distinct col)


count_if(condition) to apply a filter with condition and get the number of records. e.g. count_if(speed_kmh>80)


distinct(col)to get the distinct value for the col column.


unique(<column_name1>[, <column_name2>, ...]): Calculates the approximate number of different values of the columns.


unique_exact(<column_name1>[, <column_name2>, ...])Calculates the exact number of different values of the columns.


unique_exact_if(col,condition) to apply a filter with condition and get the distinct count of col, e.g. to get the cars with high speed unique_exact_if(cid,speed_kmh>80)


min(<column_name>): minimum value of a column. For String column, the comparison is lexicographic order.


max(<column_name>): maximum value of a column. For String column, the comparison is lexicographic order.


sum(<column_name>): sum of the columns. Only works for numerics.


avg(<column_name>): average value of a column (sum(column) / count(column)). Only works for numeric columns.


median(<column_name>) Calculate median of a numeric data sample.


quantile(column,level)Calculate an approximate quantile of a numeric data sequence. e.g. quantile(a,0.9)to get the P90 for the column and quantile(a,0.5) to get the median number


short for quantile(a,0.9)


short for quantile(a,0.95)


short for quantile(a,0.99)


top_k(<column_name>,K [,true/false]): Top frequent K items in column_name. Return an array.

e.g. top_k(cid, 3) may get [('c01',1200),('c02,800)',('c03',700)] if these 3 ids appear most frequently in the aggregation window.

If you don't need the event count, you can set false for the 3rd parameter, e.g. top_k(cid, 3, false) may get ['c01','c02','c03']

Read more on Top-N Query Pattern page.


min_k(<column_name>,K [,context_column]): The least K items in column_name. Return an array. You can also add a list of columns to get more context of the values in same row, such as min_k(price,3,product_id,last_updated) This will return an array with each element as a tuple, such as [(5.12,'c42664'),(5.12,'c42664'),(15.36,'c84068')]

Read more on Top-N Query Pattern page.


max_k(<column_name>,K[,context_column]): The greatest K items in column_name. You can also add a list of columns to get more context of the values in same row, such as max_k(price,3,product_id,last_updated)

Read more on Top-N Query Pattern page.


arg_min(argument, value_column) Gets the value in the argument column for a minimal value in the value_column. If there are several different values of argument for minimal values of value_column, it returns the first of these values encountered. You can achieve the same query with min_k(value_column,1, argument)[1].2 . But this is much easier.


arg_max(argument, value_column) Gets the value in the argument column for a maximum value in the value_column. If there are several different values of argument for maximum values of value_column, it returns the first of these values encountered. You can achieve the same query with max_k(value_column,1, argument)[1].2 . But this is much easier.


group_array(<column_name>) to combine the values of the specific column as an array. For example, if there are 3 rows and the values for these columns are "a","b","c". This function will generate a single row and single column with value ['a','b','c']


group_uniq_array(<column_name>) to combine the values of the specific column as an array, making sure only unique values in it. For example, if there are 3 rows and the values for these columns are "a","a","c". This function will generate a single row and single column with value ['a','c']


moving_sum(column) returns an array with the moving sum of the specified column. For example, select moving_sum(a) from(select 1 as a union select 2 as a union select 3 as a) will return [1,3,6]


any(column) Selects the first encountered (non-NULL) value, unless all rows have NULL values in that column. The query can be executed in any order and even in a different order each time, so the result of this function is indeterminate. To get a determinate result, you can use the min or max function instead of any.


last_value(column) Selects the last encountered value.