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GA Releases

This page summarizes changes for each major update in Proton and Timeplus Cloud, including new features and important bug fixes.

Dec 11, 2023


  • A new version (v0.6.0) of the Proton JDBC driver is available: able to list tables and columns in DBeaver and Metabase.
  • A new version (v0.0.2) of the Proton Metabase driver is available: able to list tables and columns.
  • New function: lag_behind, designed for streaming JOIN. If you don't specify the column names, the query will use the processing time on the left and right streams to compare the timestamp difference.

Timeplus Cloud:

  • New WebSocket datasource: Connect Timeplus with WebSocket by entering the URL and data type (JSON or text).
  • Create external streams by directly entering SQL.
  • Upload CSV data to an existing stream.
  • In the Query page's Stream Catalog, you can search by stream, column, or both.
  • In dashboard charts, we now show the "Last Updated" time for all chart types, on mouseover.
  • (Preview Feature) Introducing new datasources: NATS and NATS JetStream. The configuration UI will be available soon in Timeplus Cloud. Contact us if you'd like to try this feature.

Nov 27, 2023


Timeplus Cloud:

  • An unlimited number of columns are now supported in the column chart (previously retricted to recent 30 results).
  • The Pulsar sink is enhanced to support batch, to improve writing performance.
  • "External Streams" is now shown in the left-side navigation menu, where you can see all external streams and create a new one.
  • (Preview) We've added the open-high-low-close (OHLC) chart type common in the finance industry, to visualize the movement of prices over time. Additional format settings include choosing a time range. Please contact us if you'd like to try this new chart type.

Nov 13, 2023


  • JDBC driver for Proton is now available. Check out our example for how to connect to Proton with DBeaver. We also submitted a PR to Pulse UI.
  • An experimental ODBC driver for accessing Proton as a data source is also available.
  • An experimental shuffle by clause has been added. Currently, it only works for historical queries, and it will support streaming queries soon. The key use case for shuffle by is to support high cardinality group by (such as 10 millions of unique keys). To learn more about this advanced feature, join the discussion in our Slack community.
  • Since version 1.3.19, by default, the backfill from historical store for time travel/rewind is enabled. For example select * from stream where _tp_time>now()-14d will load data from historical store for last 14 days, even for data not available in streaming storage. If you prefer the previous behavior, you can add settings enable_backfill_from_historical_store=false to the streaming SQL.

Timeplus Cloud:

  • In Data lineage, when you click on a resource tile, the path of related tiles is highlighted and the rest is grayed out.
  • For map charts, the size of the dot is now correlated to the width of the dot in pixels.
  • When creating a source, if you choose Protobuf as the Read As data type, the Protobuf message and definition are now mandatory to proceed.
  • You can copy your workspace ID by clicking on your workspace name in the top header and hovering on the ID. This is useful if you need to speak to us for support about your workspace.

Timeplus Platform:

  • For on-prem deployment of Timeplus Platform, we now provide two observability options: using Timeplus or using Grafana/Loki.

Oct 30, 2023


  • You can now install single native binary for Mac or Linux - check out our installation guide here.
  • External streams support writing. (Learn more)
  • External streams also support reading from specific Kafka partition(s). (Learn more)

Timeplus Cloud:

  • Per customer feedback, we added a new capability to allow users to monitor the infra usages for their workspace, such as cpu/memory/disk/network. Check out an example dashboard here, and please contact us if you want to enable this experimental feature in your workspace.
  • When creating an Apache Kafka, Confluent Cloud, or Redpanda source, we now display available topics in a dropdown. You can also enter a topic manually.
  • The CSV upload process is refined - we will auto-generate a column name if there is no header row available in your file.
  • Search by keyword in resource list pages is no longer case sensitive.
  • When formatting a single value chart, you can now add a blank space in the unit field (eg. if you want to have a space to separate the value and the unit).
  • Dashboard query variables dropdowns have a new UI: when searching, instead of highlighting matching items, we will now only show matching items in the dropdown.
  • When deleting a query bookmark, a confirmation dialog will be shown.

Oct 16, 2023


  • New data types now supported: ipv4 and ipv6, as well as related functions.
  • Python Driver 0.2.10 now supports Python 3.11 and 3.12.
  • Go Driver is now open source.
  • Our Grafana data source plugin, to connect to Proton and visualize streaming or batch queries, is now open source. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog and demo!
  • We've added User-Defined Functions support in Proton v1.3.15 (create/delete), allowing you to leverage existing programming libraries, integrate with external systems, or make SQL easier to maintain.

Timeplus Cloud:

  • You can now search by keyword(s) in the Dashboards list.
  • In the Query page, we've removed Recent Queries from the SQL Helper side panel. You can still see your Recent Queries by opening a new query tab, or on your Homepage.

Oct 2, 2023

Timeplus is now open source! Introducing Proton, a unified, lightweight streaming and historical data processing engine in a single binary, powering the Timeplus Cloud streaming analytics platform. Try Proton with Docker

New in Proton:

  • External stream now supports checkpoints. Whether you stop and rerun the query, or the server restarts, it will read from where it stopped.
  • Python driver and Go driver are published.

New in Timeplus Cloud:


  • We've added a ClickHouse sink, as a preview feature. You can find this option when you expand "Show more outputs".
  • We've also made it easier for you to create new sinks, by adding a "Create New Sink" button to the Sinks list page. On the Query page, while waiting for results to come in, you can now also create a sink.

Console UI

  • Our onboarding experience has a new look. After creating a new account, answer a couple of quick questions so we can get to know you better, and then give your workspace a name. 

Sep 18, 2023


  • New functions to generate random data – check them out here.

Data Ingestion

  • During the Preview step of adding a new source, we now show you the time remaining for previewing data. If no event comes in after 30 seconds, you can go back to previous steps, check your configuration, then try again.
  • For "Sample dataset", you can select an event time column when you set up the stream. CSV file uploads will be enhanced soon.
  • All sources now have data retention options when you create a new stream.


  • We've added a sink for Confluent Cloud. This is similar to the Apache Kafka sink, with mandatory authentication.

Console UI

  • In resource lists such as Views, Materialized Views, Sinks, and Query History, the SQL is now shown in one line without breaks.

Sep 5, 2023

The Terraform Provider for Timeplus is now published - check it out.


  • You can now edit a query without canceling it, and then run the new query, or open it in a new tab.
  • When the SQL editor is empty, the Format button is now disabled.

Dashboards and Charts

  • We improved our color scheme selector in charts, letting you choose from a set of pre-made color schemes, in addition to using multiple shades of a single color.
  • While viewing a dashboard, you can view or edit JSON definitions.

Data Ingestions

  • When you upload a CSV file, the historical store retention policy of the newly created stream will by default be set as "Don't remove older data" (previously 30 days). This can work better when you use the CSV for lookup table or quick tests with historical data.

Workspace Settings

  • Workspace owners can now opt in or out of anonymous page view tracking, in the new Privacy tab in Workspace Settings. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details on how your workspace data is tracked and used.

Other Enhancement

  • We've added a banner to inform you when a new version of Timeplus is deployed, and prompt you to refresh your browser to get the latest version. We also show a similar banner if we detect network issues.

Aug 21, 2023

Infrastructure as Code

  • (Experimental) We published a developer preview of Timeplus Provider for Terraform. With a Timeplus workspace ID and API Key, you can use this tool to create, update, or delete resources in Timeplus, including sources, streams, views, materialized views, and sinks. More resources will be supported in the future, such as UDFs and dashboards. You can put the Terraform files in a version control system and apply branching, code review, and CICD. Comparing to SQL-based batch operation, this tool can easily manage dependencies among various resources and allow you to preview what will be changed before updating the deployment.

Query and Results

  • On the Query page, we've enhanced the SQL editor to better support multi-line SQL. The editor will now auto-expand as you type.
  • When viewing row details in the results table, press the up or down arrows on your keyboard to see details for the previous or next row.

Console UI

  • On the Data Ingestion page, the Add Data pop-up now shows sources directly (such as Apache Kafka, Confluent Cloud, Redpanda etc.).
  • On the Data Lineages page, if you move the tiles around, we will remember their positions and show them in the same positions the next time you visit this page. To return to default positions, click the Reset Layout button in the top right corner.
  • When you delete an API key, we will now show a pop-up to confirm the deletion.

Aug 8, 2023

Soft launch for the Cloud GA (version 1.3.x).


  • (Experimental) You can now convert append-only or versioned streams to changelog streams with the new changelog function. This is designed for advanced use cases, such as per-key late event processing.
  • Added new functions for URL handling – check them out here.
  • Block hop/session functions for historical queries (ie. with the table function).
  • JavaScript user-defined functions (UDFs) are now publicly available – learn more here.


  • Empty messages in an Apache Kafka or Redpanda topic are now skipped.
  • We now restrict you from deleting a stream if a source is sending data to it. Please delete the source first.

Console UI

  • In the Query page, for a streaming query, the scanned rows, bytes, and EPS are now shown.
  • In the map chart, you can now change the dot size, either as a fixed value, or set a minimum and maximum range based on a numeric column. You can also adjust the opacity of the dot.


  • Refined our UDF docs.
  • For functions, we added sub-pages for the different categories.
  • For functions that are supported in streaming queries, we now indicate whether they are also supported in historical queries or not.
  • Refined the search widget in Docs.